
Flutter is a mobile app development framework created by Google. It allows developers to create cross-platform applications for mobile (iOS, Android), web, desktop (Linux, MacOS, Windows), and embedded platforms using a single codebase.



Fully Cross-Platform Framework

Flutter uses the Dart programming language and allows for the creation of user interfaces using custom widgets. Flutter and Dart have been designed from the ground up as tools for creating a fully cross-platform framework.

By taking its technical architecture to the lowest level and eschewing any interpreted languages to communicate with the native layer, Flutter is the best choice when it comes to developing mobile applications for both operating systems (iOS/Android).

Complete Customization

Flutter uses Dart and renders the interface on its own canvas, giving developers complete freedom to create any type of widget. Flutter’s architecture is based on the premise of not using the native widgets of the respective platforms, but instead painting the interface on a canvas using a rendering engine, which performs layout, composition, and rasterization operations.

Google Technology


-> Cross-Platform
-> Reusable
-> Scalable
-> Fast
-> Robust


Declarative and Flexible by Nature

Flutter’s declarative nature allows for agile and modular interface composition. Although it requires some learning, experienced developers, even those who develop native applications, prefer this type of syntax to the “classic” XML.

In fact, iOS and Android have created new syntaxes to define their interfaces that closely imitate Flutter and are promoting them as the default way to compose their UI (Swift UI and Jetpack Compose, respectively). Additionally, despite being a typed language, Dart is very flexible and easy to learn.


In summary, Flutter is an ideal option for developers looking to create mobile applications with a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms without changing their syntax on any of them. With its focus on widget customization, cross-platform architecture, and declarative and flexible nature, Flutter is an attractive option for mobile application developers worldwide.

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